Linear Search multiple occurrence

Linear Search multiple occurrence
Satyam Chaudhary
Data Structure Jul 10, 2023

In this article we will discuss Linear Search Program with multiple occurrence of elements.

Let us understand What does Linear Search mean?

In Computer Science, a linear search or sequential search is a method for finding an element within a list. Searching starts from first element till the last element in the list. It sequentially checks each element of the list until the required element is found.

In Searching there are two popular methods which are Linear Search and Binary Search . So, here we will discuss about linear Search Program with multiple occurrence.

what does multiple occurrence mean?

It is the occurrence of two or more things coming together. In this program the elements which are in multiple will be printed along with its location and also the number of times it is repeated.

Linear Search in C with Multiple Occurrence

Output of the above code is shown below

linear search multiple occurrence
linear search in c
linear search program
searching method

Satyam Chaudhary

Satyam is a brilliant Engineering Undergraduate and proud Indian. He is passoinate towards web development and acquiring new skills.

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