How website work ?

How website work ?
Satyam Chaudhary
Web Development Aug 04, 2023

All of you must have wondered how a website works. In this article we will see how the website works.

A website works by combining various components and technologies to deliver content and functionality to users.

Before moving further towards the working of a website, firstly we need to understand the term website mean

What is a Website

A website is a collection of web pages that are interconnected and are accessible through the Internet. Websites are typically built using various web technologies such as HTML, CSS and Java Script and are hosted on Web Servers to make the accessible to users world wide

How website work ?

There are 2 minimum requirements for a website to work

  • Internet Connection

  • Computer

After the above two things you need three more things which are

  • Code

  • Server

  • Client

In a simple way a website is a piece of code which is written by the developer.

In this requirement the 2nd one which is a server, so server is a computer tht stores all the necessary files and deliver them to the users upon the request.

In the third requirement is the client it can be any device where the website can be opened. Devices such as

  • Phone

  • Tablet

  • any other devices

Any device where website can be opened is referred as client

Now we will be understanding more depth concepts of the working of website

Let' continue

Whenever we open a website a request is sent to the server that we want this website, now the server accepts this request and send files but to do all this a special software is required on the server side and this special software is called web server.

Some of the web servers are

  • Apache http server

  • Lighttpd

  • IIS

  • Ngnix

Just as there is requirement of a special software on the server, the same way opening a website on the client requires a special software.

Just we have discussed earlier that client is any device on which the website is opened.

You are familiar with the examples of these software, even if not all have done it but you must have used some of the software.

For example :-

  • Chrome

  • Opera

  • Edge

  • Fire fox

These are all the software needed to open the website on the client side. So whether you are using a phone or a pc a browser is required.

In the starting we have discussed that the website is a piece of code, now in which language is this code written ?

So to write a website there are some languages required which are like

fig 1:Programming languages for web

Now this code is written in different different language and are saved on the server then when the client accesses the website on the computer or from any device when we write the name of the website or when we type the URL (URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator ) it goes to the request on the server and then the server sends those files, browser then renders it the display it as a Website

Why having an website is important?

  • Having a website serves as the online presence to showcase about your business, your products and the services you offer to your customers

  • Website helps the business to collect valuable data and insight about their audience helping them to make proper decisions and improve their marketing strategies and to do the suitable changes to attract more traffic

  • As compared to physical business, having a website expand the reach and accessibility of a business as it is open 24/7 and can be accessed anywhere in the world

  • A well designed and optimized website can significantly boost your online visibility, increase your reach and ultimately drive more conversions

  • In this digital age where technology reign supreme having an website is essential for business and individual alike as it helps establish and online presence engage with customers and expand their reach in global

Why you need a website?

  • In this digital age having a website is essential for individual and buisness alike. It provides a platform to showcse your products , services or ideas to your potential customer or clients to learn more about your buisness

  • Website serves as your online presence allowing yourself to connect with a gloabal audience 24/7. Furthermore having an website can also help to build trust in your business as customer and potential customer will be able to see that you are professional, reliable and trust worthy.

  • website is essential for business and individual alike as it helps establish and online presence engage with customers and expand their reach in global

Just to Wrap Up

  • Websites are built using a combination of coding languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. and are hosted on Web Servers to make the accessible to users world wide

  • Websites are hosted on servers, which are powerful computers that store and serve website files to visitors when they access the site.

  • Popular web browsers include Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Internet Explorer.

  • When we write the name of the website or when we type the URL (URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator ) it goes to the request on the server and then the server sends those files, browser then renders it the display it as a Website

working of a website
about website
web development

Satyam Chaudhary

Satyam is a brilliant Engineering Undergraduate and proud Indian. He is passoinate towards web development and acquiring new skills.

He help students in understanding the concepts with a correct approach and solve their academic problems.

We are here to clear your doubts with an easy step by step approach.

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